Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Soaking the Board

Friday 3rd May 2013 was a milestone for the Ashwell Well Dressing team - it was the day to start soaking the board.

The Bare Board

The frame, or board, has been constructed with raw planks of wood attached to a white painted mount.  Nails have been hammered into the planks.  These are important as the nails will hold the wet clay in place.  The board is large, heavy and dry and will have to be soaked for three days otherwise the wood will draw the moisture from the clay.

Our team pondered over where and how best to soak the board.  Ponds were considered.  Standing the board in a bath.  Drenching with a hose.... but, of course, the answer was on our doorstep:  Ashwell Springs.

Ashwell Springs in winter
This tranquil, freshwater oasis in the heart of the village is a source of the River Cam.  And what better place to soak the first Ashwell Well Dressing board.

The board being lowered into Ashwell Springs

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